Gaudamandala (Joel Loison) has been practicing Vedic astrology for more than 30 years under the inspiration of Nalini Khanta, a great Vedic astrologer who lives in Florida.
Gaudamandala was initiated in the brahmanical tradition in 1980, then he studied Sanskrit and vaisnava philosophy for many years.
The following is a complete article in French on the significance of Vedic Astrology: Au sujet de l’astrologie védique, par Gaudamandala Das.
1- Your horoscope with questions: 89€
Please give me by email or whatsapp, the following:
- First name and family name
- Date of birth
- Place of birth
- Time of birth
- List of your questions
- Brief description of your actual situation regarding your questions
For every request, please give me:
- Your phone number
- Your email address
2- Prasna or question: 34€
The prasna answers a particular question on a project or subject (union, marriage, work, health etc.). Please put your question in writing and note down the time at this moment.
Different ways to contact me for the question:
- By email: whenever you are on the globe, please note the time, date and place of the question. (email time is not reliable)
- By phone: answer will be given and the description of your actual situation and the possible solutions
Please contact me if you have difficulty to put down the question.
For every request, please give me:
- Your phone number
- Your email address
3- Compatibility: 72€
- For a marital union
- To choose a good business partner or to know where you are going with him or her
- First name and family name
- Date of birth
- Place of birth
- Time of birth
For every request, please give me:
- Your phone number
- Your email address
4- Muhurta: 34€
Choose an auspicious time for an event:
- Marriage or any celebration
- Inauguration, new business or entering a new house
- Sign a contract
- Start a project
Please give me a chosen range for your event so that I can give you several dates.
5- Horoscope for a child: 108€
For an horoscope at the time of birth or at any time before 18 years old.
Discover in the reading:
- The character
- The destiny in general
- His/her psychology
- His/her health
- Schooling and student capacities
- Relationship with parents and teachers
- Professional possibilities
- Future marital life
- Determination of protective birth stone to be worn
Other questions can also be answered.
Please send me by email or Whatsapp the following informations:
- First name and family name
- Date of birth
- Place of birth
- Exact time of birth
- List of questions if you have some
You will get the answer by email or recording (mp3 format that you can download on a web server).
Please allow around 3 weeks for an answer.
6- Reading about your professional projects (business, shop, restaurant etc.): 106€
Before you take any decision in the business area:
- To know the feasibility of the project
- To know the profitability of the business
- To know about the reliability of partners
- To be sure of the investment
- Chances of getting a loan
- Choose the start date or the inauguration date for assured success
- Any other question about the project.
I need for that that you ask me the questions in writing (email or whatsapp) by specifying:
- The date of the question
- The place of the question
- The time of the question
- Any other additional information that you think useful for the project
Reply within 3 or 4 days in writing. Telephone talk possible included in the price of the consultation.
7- Determination of your protection stone, talisman: 18€
Depending on your birth horoscope, the recommended stone to wear as a ring or pendant.
Example: Based on a birth horoscope, a Sun Stone, ruby or garnet, protects health, improves relationships with the father, promotes social status and other benefits...
Talisman proposals with photos and prices on request by email or whatsapp.
Example of talismans:

8- Other payments
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